Hello, Again.
Do you have questions about Elohim, but can't find the answer you desire? Thoughts you want to bounce off on someone or just want to go in depth about a certain topic of the Book? We invite you to ask all those questions to our senior pastor directly. She will provide scripture, insight and clarity and loves a good challenge.
Note From Pastor
"As a human, I acknowledge my limitations and cannot claim to possess all the answers or fully interpret the intricacies of Elohim's thoughts and ways in a way that mortal understanding can grasp. However, what I can affirm is my lifelong commitment to studying the Book and its theology, advocating for accurate translations and resources that aid in comprehending the origins and teachings of Yahweh, Ruwah, and Yeshua as divine beings. If you seek knowledge, I am here to share insights gained from my father (a pastor), college professors and other respected individuals within the faith to help guide you to the right answers for your question(s)."