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What are your service times?Sabbath School Saturday: 10:00 AM - 11:00AM EST Sunday School Sunday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST Kid Corner Saturday: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST Youth Group Thursday: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST Our times may be affected by the weather, national holidays, pandemics or absence of staff. Should this happen, these times will be adjusted temporarily and a letter will be sent to our members who are signed up to receive newsletters and updates.
What does UC stand for?UC is the acronym for Unaligned Church.
Why such an exotic name?Pastor Wilson choose the name “Unaligned Church” for two reasons. First, Yahweh gave it to her after she prayed about what to name the ministry. Secondly, because she personally does not want the ministry Yahweh assigned to her to be associated to human traditions, human opinions of others over the Book and wrongly meshed in with false/fake religions of the world. Yahweh is real and has ahavah with his creation. Pastor Wilson wants the congregation to understand their spirit must align with Hashem and reflect the fruits of the Spirit and thus become unaligned with the world and the secular mainstream influences.
Why does your church call the Bible, "Book"?In the book of Jubilees, the author clearly said that Yahweh wanted his collection of stories to be called "The Book" and the author further states that in that chapter that there were 266 people on the Earth at that time and as commanded by Yahweh there would be a total of 266 books. The English word/term of Bible is derived from Koinē Greek: τὰ βιβλία, romanized: ta biblia, meaning "The Books" (singular βιβλίον, biblion). The word βιβλίον itself had the literal meaning of "scroll" and came to be used as the ordinary word for "book". However, Hebrew was first and AW and UA support Hebrew origin and word definitions only with our ministries. Saying Bible is not wrong and it will not send a Christian to Hell, but saying The Book is also acceptable in the eyes of the Elohim and not wrong. Say what you're comfortable with, just don't expect our team to use the word Bible over The Book on this site, in our blog posts, our content, etc. because we want to address things the way Yahweh intended to the best of our ability.
What doctrine do you endorse with this church?Our Ministry Team unequivocally align on the inclusion of the canonical Lost Books in their teachings, regarding them as an essential part of the truth within our faith. Extensive research, prayer, and fasting have underpinned our thorough examination of the arguments advocating for the retention or exclusion of these Lost Books from the sacred text of Yahweh. Through spiritual discernment and guidance, we firmly believe that these 200 books represent the inspired and flawless Word of Yahweh-Jehovah, serving as the ultimate and unerring authority for matters of faith and conduct. While we acknowledge that this stance may provoke disagreement within certain Christian circles, it is our unwavering conviction that dismissing any part of Hashem's Word based on dissenting opinions or reservations about recorded narratives goes against His explicit command not to tamper with His divine message. Historical instances of altering sacred scripture underscore the importance of preserving the integrity of the Word. It is essential to emphasize that the inclusion of these 200 books does not compromise the fundamental truth of salvation through our Lord Yeshua Christ. In fact, they explain the in-between details and connect us closer to Christ and these texts have artifacts and historical figures of history related to them. If you cannot accept the origin translation of the Bible that was written in Hebrew, that is something you must work out with Yahweh. Our ministry teach origin truth, not "truths" people have assumed and made to suit their traditions or personal interpretations of the Bible. This is supposedly offensive to the church. Anyone who has studied origin texts knows exactly who Ruach/Wisdom is. Sirach/Ben Sira, Enoch and the Book of Wisdom/Wisdom of Solomon define Ruwah properly. Translators (for whatever their reasons) refuse to write what the Hebrew texts spell and define as "woman" in the Godhead. We do not accept that and we will openly call Ruwah "her" because Yahweh saw it good to create Wisdom and have a female representation of himself and Ruwah is that part. In Sirach/Ben Sira and Book of Wisdom/Wisdom Of Solomon, Ruwah is openly and clearly defined as woman and the Holy Spirit of Yahweh. In Greek texts Ruwah still female, but they use a neuter term to define both male and female to say God is both. We apply origin in this ministry at AW, so if you are bothered by this you have the right to disagree, but it does not change the truth of the original texts that were written before modern translations destroyed these words. If you read in Proverbs 3, Proverbs 4 and Proverbs 8, Solomon refers to Wisdom. This is not Christ, although Christ is wise, this term of the word "wisdom" is refereeing to Ruwah. In our translation this origin truth has been lost and we believe it remains lost on purpose. Whether that is true or not, the Bible says, do not add or subtract to the Word of Yahweh. Removing Ruwah and the gender assigned to Ruwah is a big gap in theology and is in controversy, sadly, to this day. However, if people read the origin for themselves as we have, one cannot deny what they see. We want to take careful note of this gap and show it to you, so you can pray about it and research for yourself. All we can do is show you the truth. What you do with this knowledge is between you and God. Yahweh will not hate anyone or shame someone for calling Ruwah "he". So don't worry if you want to continue seeing all three as men, Yahweh isn't basing salvation on this, but to those who want to mature in the faith and have always wondered if there was a woman in the Godhead, the answer is yes. Ruach ha-kodesh Definition: The Hebrew language phrase ruach ha-kodesh (Hebrew: רוח הקודש, "holy spirit" also transliterated ruacḥ ha-qodesh) is a term used in the Hebrew and Jewish writings to refer to the spirit of YHWH (רוח יהוה). In Hebrew the word for Spirit (רוח) (ruach/ruwah/roo'akh) is feminine, which is used in the origin texts, and the Hebrew Bible. Be ready to see words and phrases in our Statement of Faith that will make you stop or frown. This is expected, because you're reading about an organization that is a rare breed dedicated to exposing the origin truth and are not ashamed to do so. If you have questions about our Statement Of Faith reach out to Pastor Wilson directly, who is also an Ordained Minister and the Senior Pastor of Unaligned Church. She will chat with you via email. Keep in mind Pastor Wilson nor will the church faculty not start debates or argue with you over this in our responses. We will simply point you to the Book and origin statements that credit what we do with our church. Anything beyond this is not up for discussion. The decision to pursue a deeper understanding of the fundamental truths we hold is a pivotal one. It necessitates a clear stance without ambiguity or wavering. Whether you choose to embrace corrections and delve into the essence of these truths or opt not to, the choice must be definitive. Should our perspectives be met with skepticism, even in the face of corroborative evidence drawn from our research, prayers, and testing, it is a stance we respect. Similarly, we extend the same respect to differing views within our team concerning the direction of our ministry. As individuals guided by faith and historical evidence, we, as Christians, uphold the belief that the 200 canonical texts, comprising writings in Hebrew and Greek, are divinely inspired. Any additions or creations beyond this canon, not sanctioned by the Holy Spirit, are not endorsed or acknowledged within our community. Distinguishing between authentic and erroneous doctrines falls upon humanity, a task that requires discernment alongside divine guidance from Yahweh.
What are your business hours?Our operating hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday. We do not operate on weekends or respond to emails or social media messages during that time. Feel free to email us or send us direct messages on social media, but please note that we will respond on the next business day.
When was the corporation created?Unaligned Church L.L.C. was founded on March 1st, 2024 in Jackson Kentucky by Rachel Renee Wilson.
Who is the Webmaster?Rachel Renee Wilson is the Webmaster of this website. If you need to get in touch with her about something concerning the website, please email her at:
Does Christian Global Outreach Ministries and Minister Now! allow same-sex marriage?Neither Christian Global Outreach Ministries or MINSTERNOW! do this. They are true Book (Bible) believing Christians and uphold the doctrine of Elohim. Meaning, they are prohibited from officiating and celebrating sexual immorality and same-sex marriages. They believe in marriage as Yahweh commanded in the Book being only between (1) man (1) woman. the CGOM authorize their ministers to recognize and officiate traditional marriages between (1) man and (1) woman. No exceptions. If a member of the clergy is caught violating the oath they took when they filled out their application, the minster will no longer be in good standing with the CGOM.
Does Christian Global Outreach and Minister Now! ordain men and women as ministers?Yes, Christian Global Outreach and Minster Now! ordains men and women to the rank of Minister, Pastor, Reverend, Chaplain and Wedding Officiant same as men. They wrote blog post that helps ministers understand the process of performing wedding ceremonies in their local area that can help a minister understand what he/she must do when they are asked to marry a heterosexual couple.
If changes are made to the Constitution & United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights, how will that effect Unaligned Church?Unaligned Church will not budge on the Christian faith no matter what our government legalize as “normal”. Until it is made official the Constitution's 1st Amendment of the United States and The United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights, Article 18 and Article 30 will be used to defend our position. This means UA proudly and legally does not support LGBTQ+, same-sex marriage, abortion, rape, sex, porn, fornication, drunkenness, pedophilia, witchcraft/magic, cannibalism, etc. lifestyles. In short, we do not condone sin and will not teach that sin is okay and approved by Yahweh-Jehovah. If and when the United States 1st Amendment, as well as the United Nations Declaration Of Human Rights is revoked, Unaligned Church will still teach what the Book says over what the world and corrupted "bibles" says. We have policies in place to protect our seekers and staff from the persecution of liberals and members of varies communities who do not like or agree with the true Book and morality in general. If you do not like that or wish to be exposed to what is natural and pure in the eyes of Yahweh do not enroll at Unaligned Church. Do not create an account on this website and do not click and say you agree to our Terms & Conditions if you truly do not. To do so will be documented and if we have to go court over this issue, we will show the judge and the jury that you willingly signed up and enrolled knowing our policies. The world is constantly changing, but Unaligned Church will never change on these issues and will never teach seekers the acceptance of immoral lifestyles and ideologies of people. We only teach truth and nothing but the truth.
How do I become a seeker?You must create an account to be considered a seeker of UA. This is mandatory. Once you create an account, you will be assigned the Seeker badge that will give you access to the college area of the website.
Does it cost anything to enroll?No. Enrollment and the course we offer is 100% free.
Is Unaligned Academy legal?Yes, it is a legal online institution and part of the Unaligned Church Corporation. It is important to know that UA is not connected to any secular or Christian organizations academically or financially. Our free course will not carry credential weight in other schools, but seekers will receive a Bible Certificate if they graduate from the program. To anyone who wants to enroll at UA, let it be known that we teach the holiness of the Book (Bible), the doctrines of the Torah (Old Testament) and the entire doctrine New Testament, including the canon letters and books of the apostles and their disciples that were discarded.
When was Unaligned Academy founded?Unaligned Academy was Founded in 2020 by Rachel Renee Wilson.
Is my data safe with the college?If you are curious to learn through our program, you will have to create an account in order to access our website. We do not collect data like other websites do, but by law, we do have to store required cookies and we do have to store account data, such as your name, location or your card information if you intend to purchase anything from our online stores or choose to donate to our ministry. This data will not be sold to any third parties, harvested, stolen, etc. The privacy of our seekers is taken very seriously at UA. Their account data and card information will not be sold to third parties, harvested, stolen, etc. lf a seeker or their Trusted Contacts requests a copy of account data, Personal Files and any academy information pertaining to UA, it will be released to them at their request. Should a seeker want to unenroll from the program, completed the program and graduated and want to delete their account, they must ask staff to delete their account for them. All of the seeker’s user data, billing information, Personal Files is automatically terminated from the UA Database on the same day of account deletion. However, if a seeker wants a copy of their account data or Personal Files, they must request that information before sending an account deletion request to staff. If a seeker wants to return back to UA in the future, they will have to create a new account. To learn more about how we use account data and how it is collected, please read our Privacy Policy. WARNING: Once a seeker requests account deletion to staff it is an irreversible process and cannot be undone. After the seeker’s account is terminated the Webmaster and the Board Of Trustees will no longer be liable or responsible for keeping the seeker’s account data or their Personal Files.
What does Unaligned Academy support Biblically?The Book and all of its original books. Meaning, the 266 books, as well as Hebrew and Greek origin meaning and word usage. We support Christian theology and Apologetics and offer a friendly, healthy learning environment for our seekers. We support the old edition of King James 1611 and editions before the 1611 because those translations actually had 13 of the 266 included. Honestly, most translations by people and publishing houses have caused a lot of grief and stress to the Christian communities world-wide. At AU we will not endorse multiple translations, we only focus on the following translations: Cepher ESV King James (1511) King James (1611) King James These are the main translations UA uses, references and teach from. We will introduce seekers to the basic fundamentals of the Bible in Stage 1: Novice. Seekers who advance into Stage 2: Intermediate will learn about spiritual warfare, a basic level of Apologetics and read the original books that were removed from The book. Judaism teaches the New Testament is a lie, just as many groups say the Book Of Enoch, for example, is not inspired of Ruwah, the Holy Spirit. This is not so and UA can prove to the seekers and their parents/guardians that what we are teaching them is not a lie, but the real truth of The Book. At the end of the day UA is a truth-seeking institution. We want the truth and nothing but the truth and strife to encourage our seekers to do the same. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5: 21 (KJV) "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error." 1 John 4: 1-6 (KJV)
Why don't you charge an admission fee for your program?Yahweh called men and women to serve Him for free and people fought to deliver the Good News for free. Christ died for free and did not charge anyone to hear Him talk about the truth of heaven during his earthly ministry. Why should we, His ambassadors, charge people to learn about Christ and the Christian faith when you cannot even "see" faith? This is not about money, this is about people and giving them instant access to Christ. It is not wrong to raise money for a Christian ministry, but UA does not agree that business driven Christians are charging people to hear them merely repeat what Yahweh has already written and made free for anyone who wants to hear and learn about Him. To date, UA has not found scripture in either testament that supports charging people to learn about Hashem and the Christian faith, so we stand by our resolve without shame and refuse to make money off God in general. It is nice the IRS offers tax exemption for churches in our country, but due to several church groups scamming people and robbing citizens of their money in the name of Hashem and false churches that are actually cults (e.g. Scientology), we honestly feel it's better to be open and transparent to people when it comes to money. Donations are not to be mistaken for a "hidden fee" or an "admission fee". UA is a 100% faith-based and depends on Yahweh to provide for all our needs. The Book shows how much Yahweh uses bride of Christ (men/women) to further His good works and spread the good news of salvation. The world is UA's the mission field, in churches, in schools, in camps, in homes faithfully serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel.
Is Unaligned Church a cult?The Unaligned Church distinguishes itself from cults through its foundation and adherence to scriptural principles. All initiatives undertaken by UC strictly align with Christian and Hebrew orthodox beliefs. Unlike certain factions, we prioritize the original doctrine rooted in Hebrew and Greek origins, encompassing all 266 canonical books. We firmly oppose any attempts to exclude these canonical texts and reject erroneous translations that may lead to misinterpretation and potential harm. At the core of our organization, we uphold reverence for the Divine, prioritizing spiritual integrity over human traditions and teachings deemed malevolent. If the belief that following the scriptural guidance from Jubilees, which states that Yahweh Hashem ordained humanity to have and read 266 books, is perceived as cult-like, and this realization has led to the conclusion that the Unaligned Church is a cult, it is regrettable, and our ability to assist is limited. Our response is to reaffirm our adherence to this belief and direct attention to the scripture that supports our practice of honoring the original canon books and their doctrine. It is worth noting that some publishers have integrated additional books from various sources, including pagan texts, into applications labeled as "Lost Books." One must exercise caution when perusing the introductory letters in digital copies. It is imperative to discern between those originating from the authentic 266 and those that do not. The Unaligned Church exclusively endorses the original texts and strictly adheres to the writings. Disregarding the perspectives of other scholars and theologies who may have deemed certain texts insignificant, out of place, or discomforting, our commitment lies in preserving Yahweh's Word. He explicitly instructed against any alterations, yet deviations such as additions, omissions, and edits have been made, contradicting this mandate. It is unfounded to label our group as a cult for upholding the doctrine without alterations. It is disconcerting how readily individuals accept mortal reasoning over the divine instructions and factual truths conveyed by Elohim, as documented in the book of Jubilees. Whatever perspective you hold regarding the 266, it is yours to interpret and believe as you see fit. Nevertheless, it remains undeniable that the 266, along with its associated artifacts, embodies a structure where one precept builds upon another. This intricate framework not only points towards Christ but also elucidates spiritual concepts while shedding light on various aspects of the divine realm, encompassing Elohim, angels, demons, and our collective future. The reluctance of previous scholars and theologians to embrace these teachings as well as their labeling of these concepts as "alarming" stems from a place of fragility and trepidation. It is imperative to approach the text with reverence and avoid a selective interpretation akin to treating it as one would a bag of candies, cherry-picking preferred portions while discarding others. It is essential to clarify that our beliefs are not cult-like, and it is disheartening to witness the propagation of baseless rumors among those who have not delved into the comprehensive study of related texts, explored additional literature, or delved into Hebrew sources to appreciate the interconnectedness of these teachings.
Is the Founder/Minster/Pastor of Unaligned Church a lesbian, bisexual, trans, etc.?Our founder is not any of the following: Lesbian Bisexual Transgender (surgery to make a biological woman/man the opposite sex/gender.) Non-Binary Queer Hermaphrodite Pastor Wilson is biologically a female woman with breasts and a vagina as Yahweh-Jehovah designed the woman to be. She is not a man, she does not have an artificial penis or implanted parts. Pastor Wilson is straight, but due to having more testosterone in the womb and simply taking after her father, she reflects both genders/sex appearances. We assure you Pastor Wilson is not any of the terms stated above, nor do those terms apply to Pastor Wilson or her sexuality. Hermaphrodite Disclaimer: When we say this version of the word, we are referring to an actual person or animal having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics, either abnormally or in the case of some organisms as the biological condition. Despite this condition, doctors can still determine the natural gender that the person or animal should have been. There is no third gender. This condition is a result of sin and a defect in human and animal DNA.
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