What. Are. You. DOING?! Bruh, It's Been Three Years!
We know what you're thinking, but we're just as restless and eager to have UA open. In fact, the Board Of Trustees are sick and tired of meeting over this very issue and the delay of UA's grand opening. There for a minute, we were designing merc and were going to create an online shop to help raise awareness for UA, but due to lack of interest from the church and Christians in general, we couldn't raise money for an online shop. With no money in the tithe fund, we can't do what we originally planned for two reasons. Reason number one, half of our team quit or was fired for poor work ethic. We went from eight workers to three. Reason number two, out of the three only one is able to contribute to UA when it comes to resources, planning and the overall development of the ministry's presence online and offline while the other two see their responsibilities strictly offline.
One Trustee (Director) works in the medical field. She is the only one with income, but can only supply our bill money and nothing more. Another Trustee (Department Head) is so sick and down with her body, she isn't able to do much of anything until she can get better and no one faults her for being sick either, it's just a huge blow to our development. The last Trustee (Chancellor) is disabled, no one will hire her and even if they did, she has so many medical conditions, she cannot work a normal job or shift like a healthy person can.
Theology & Accurate Resources

Another reason our progress is suffering is some of the resources we used has been removed. The pastors or groups we once trusted had scandals that countered the holy lifestyle of the Book. Other sources are supporting sin, sinful lifestyles and claiming they're of God and his church. No, sorry. That's not how it works. Either you do what the Book says or you don't. It is sad that some of our sources took this path and praise sin and have allowed it to enter Their holy place. Yahweh rebuke them, the whole lot of such churches and Christians who have wrongly represented Christ and His doctrine! At UA we take providing our seekers proper and creditable resources of the Christian doctrine that is the foundation to our faith is key at UA.
We don't want the seekers to read and stuff resources that clearly are influenced by human opinion, human bias and human inaccuracy when it comes to what the Holy Scripture is saying. Minster Wilson knows and fully expects everyone to study and pray for Yahweh to reveal the proper truth behind everything seekers read. That's what she desires, but she knows the flesh and pride can affect the mind and hinder Ruwah from working in the heart of human. To better prevent that from happening, she is working hard to make sure the original sources she found can still be trusted. The world and the church are constantly changing their ways, so it's very important that she and the team be sound in their decision to use old and new resources.
Obviously, UA cannot force people to see what Yahweh has revealed to our group. It has taken three decades for us to get to this point. That's a lot of prayer, fasting, reading and consulting different members of the church, just to be comfortable, not actuate, but comfortable with the path we are walking. Endorsing the 266 books of the Book isn't the issue. We don't worry or fret or having to prove how those books were canon, original and inspired and ordained of Elohim. That's not our issue and never will be the issue. The issue we face, is making sure that ever source we select is also properly aligned in that understanding and is not projecting their views of why the Book says this or that. Or why Christians should or shouldn't accept the 266.
UA is a safe place, a haven for the entire truth of God so curious Christians can learn and study without pressure from other groups. Sadly, this means the sources we use must be carefully evaluated so the seekers are not pressured into to thinking one way or another. Seekers must decide for themselves if they're going to accept the entire Book as Yahweh intended it. Jubilees clearly stated that Yahweh wanted 266 books written and it was to be called "Book."
This alone is how UA knows that endorsing the "Lost Books" that we know of, are supposed to be in the 66. The series of books Yahweh wanted written has artifacts, known characters the 66 mention or are directly related to and those books reference the other books, so again, sourced are key and knowing that the sources don't indoctrinate people to take a stand for or against the 266 is important to us.
If bias opinions are able to break a Christian and persuade him/her to accept or reject Hashem, that bothers us personally because the only person who should persuade others is Yahweh Himself. If He moves a seeker to accept the 266, that's wonderful, but what if He moves a seeker to just stay in the 66? Should that anger us at UA? Should we yell and point fingers at seekers who sincerely are not being led to accept His whole truth? No. Yahweh forbid! We should pray for our brothers and sisters, wish them well and want to see grow where they are led.
Sources take time to clear and we want everyone, especially our seekers or skeptical critics to realize we are more concerned and interested in providing safe resources, free of bias and persuasive talk so seekers can pray and think for themselves. UA will not apologize for delaying the academy's opening date for this reason. We just ask that seekers and visitors who may become interested in UA to be patient with us as we build the academy, redesign it and make sure our content is safe for seekers to engage with.
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